Friday, July 31, 2009

Aquarium size?

I am interested in starting up an aquarium to raise 5 or 6 Discus and 6 cory catfish. I intend to have it well planted, .

Would a 50 gallon aquarium be adequate size? Also, what would be a good choice of companion fish? Something small, that schools up, and would not disturb the discus. I am thinking maybe Neon tetras.
For that many discus - no. They can get dinner plate sized! If you really need that many in one tank you are going to have to get 75 and preferably 100. I don't know how many full grown discus you've seen but they are really huge. I don't see that many being happy in 55 gallons. Neon tetras are a good choice to pair with the discus though the discus might eat them if they are small enough - just a warning! But I've seen those paired up quite a bit in tanks.
go w/a 75 gallon tank.
I had Discus %26 Angel Fish in mine.
I agree, a 75 gallon is in order for that many discus + other fish. I have 1 Oscar and 1 bichir in my 50 gallon, and I feel so guilty they have such little space.
At least 75g tank, and quite frankly if you plan to add more than that I would suggest a 90g All-Glass Aquarium. They are priced right!

All-Glass Aquarium
Are you setting up an Aquarium for the first time if yes then it would be advisable to start with a small tank and hardy live bearers to gain experience.

A 50 gallon tank is a massive tank and needs a lot of space and effort, the normal yard stick for the size of the tank will be 90 sq cms (14 sq inch) for every 2.5 cm (1 inch) of body length of the fish, also take advise from the local pet shop or an experinced person in your area.
A little bigger maybe for the discus. The cories are fine. You may actually want to get a 75 gallon, plus about 10 cories %26 5 discus. Mollies and tetras are fine, except tetras live ony like a month, so I'd get mollies, guppies, maybe a female betta, barbs.. go to the petstore and see some more.
50 gallons would be fine. Here is a good compatibility chart so you can decide what other fish you would like to add.

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