Friday, July 31, 2009

Anyone have a betta?

I've had my betta for about 4 months now, but each month, the tank seems more have more and more algae build-up. What the heck is causing this?!
I have a betta too, pls go to the pet shop and ask for a bottle of Algae- controller. (mine is a bottle of Tetra Algae Control鈩? Every time after washing the tanks and before putting the fish in, I put a bottlecapful of anti-chlorine and another bottlecapful of Tetra Algae Control鈩? Wait till the blackish brown liquid's disappear and put your betta in. Check out the link below.
Well, you say "tank"? Bettas need to be in a little bowl or Betta Bowl. There are actually special little holders called Betta Bowls. You probably have your fish in something too large, they like small areas. Over the last few years I've had several Bettas throughtout my home in their little Betta Bowls, even in my bathroom. I do have colored rocks on the bottom of the little holders, but nothing else.
Bettas don't like anything in their "little" space other than themselves. Also, the "Betta tank" which you can find at Wal-Mart, Target (whatever is in your area) should always have a lid. They are very inexpensive, about $4.00. Dust will cause problems for Bettas, always use the top. Don't overfeed your Betta, it only needs to be fed about every 3 days, if you are overfeeding, left over food could cause Bacteria and Algea. Good luck!
if the tank is in the sun then thats the cause, if not, i do not know, get some algae killer at the pet store, and if your little beta is alone please give him a friend, betas dont do well with other betas but they are perfectly fine with other fish. my betas have always been the sweetest fish.

betas dont need a special bowl, i have no idea why ppl think that, they really are the sweetest little guys, be nice to your beta! how would you like to be in a tiny bowl all by yourself?
I use to breed bettas :)! Get an algae controller. However, are you sure it is algae? Male bettas, the pretty ones do make bubbles at the top, which is used for breeding weather or not there is a female around. What those bubbles are for is to put the eggs in after they have been fertilized. If there is not a female around it will just get bigger and bigger, because in his mind he is trying to build a good nest to attract a female.
Means you probably have phosphates in your water. Switch to bottled spring water and make sure you are doing weekly water changes to remove excess nitrates. You could also try adding a small live plant which will out-compete the algae, or a large snail (they add only a small increase in bio-load and can fit in well).
Betta don't bother by algae in tanks. Your tank is probably receiving sunlight cos algae can only grow with sunlight. Try to shift your tank to somewhere cosy. Changing a portion of the tank water regularly will also help to reduce algae.

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