Friday, July 31, 2009

Any tips on making bettas live longer?

I have a betta and it is soo beautiful! I want it to live as long as possible, are there any ways to make a betta live longer or do I just have to hope for the best? Please help!
feeding:freeze dried bloodworm's,freeze dried or sun dried shrimp,live brine shrimp,live mosquito larva,all the above are mainly treats,what i feed mine are 2 or 3 betta bio gold pellets a day.

housing:anything non filtered should be cleaned every other day,filtered should have weekly water changes of about 25% of the water.plant should be kept in with your betta as they like to have a place to rest,silk plants or live.

tankmates:some bettas wont tolerate tankmates at all,but for the ones that will there are,platys mollies,Otto's,corydoras(cory cats),alga eaters,ghost shrimp,and other peaceful fish.keep in mind that you need a five gal or more that is filtered to put other fish with a betta.

health-diseases:ick,white spots on the fishes body,treatment,look for a med like ick away or rid ick.dropsy,the fish gets bloated scales stick out,treatment,there is no treating this,you have to put the fish down.constipated,fish gets bloated and doesn't defecate at all,treatment,raw peas,take the skin off and give it to your betta,its a fish laxative.popeye,fishes eye swells enormously,treatment,antibioti. meds.

i hope this helps you be a good betta parent,believe me i know what I'm talking about,i own over 60 bettas.
Betas usually live about 2 years, at least thats the most mine ever lived. Just change the water every week %26 make sure you feed it.
just hope for the best, or feed em alot of goldfish
put it in a well filtered tank/aquarium. the bigger the tank, the bigger the oxygen supply, and the more room for him to grow. feed him betta food once daily, keep the water at 72'-78'F. i had one that lived for 2 years in a glass bowl, and one for 4 years in an aquarium. they do get along with other fish like goldfish and plecos. good luck.
If you want your betta to live more, you need to have it at the top condition. I mean, very clean water with a PH of 6.8 to 7.4 and temperature of 80F. This is ideal but bettas can do well in a wider range of water condition. Also you need to feed your betta with live food. The best choice is Mosquito larvae, but if can't get those you can opt for live brine shrimp, live worms or frozen foods. That is the main thing.
Dont over feed him! Also when you change his water be very very careful (speaking from experience)!!
Sharhem is right other than the food. In theory live food is better, but in practice the risk of disease is just too high. Go with freeze dried brine shrimp, and blood worms. It's easier to use, and it's sterile. Also you should avoid just one type of food. Blood worms tend to tend to bloat if they are only food. Mix in a betta flake, or pellet to insure they get a balanced diet.

Also a day of fasting followed by a peeled cooked pea keeps their digestive track clean. As always read betta talk.
please go to bettachris in the fish section is a betta expert and is happy to help anyone with fish questions.
So far everyones said it already: Get a nice filtered tank, keep it clean, and the ph comfy. My Betta is in a 2.5 gallon tank with ungergravel filtering. I have to clean it weekly since it's so small, a 5 gal wouldn't need to be cleaned as often, and even less often, a 10 gal if you really want to spoil him. I wouldn't go much larger than a 10. My Cosmo is going on 3 years soon, outlived 2 hamsters. Make sure to check him every day for fin rott, ick, and other diseases to keep him beautiful. Hope you have a long future with your new guy!
Alot of good answers that i dont wanna repeat but i will say this, DO NOT PUT IT IN WITH GOLDFISH. Goldfish excrete too much ammonia for bettas to handle and goldfish are coldwater fish where as bettas need warm water to live.

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