Thursday, July 30, 2009

All my fish were killed by some disease and want to start all over now. Please help?

All my fish were killed by some disease. So I used some hot water to clean the tank and want to start all over. Is the hot water good enough to kill all the disease?
Run it for a week with three times the recommended dosage of aquarium salt for freshwater fish, change two thirds of the water so that there is some salt still left in the tank, wait a week and start slowly adding new fish. Having aquarium salt in the water will help avoid new fish contaminating existing fish.
maybe you could also expose your aquarium under the sun?
Go to pet stores to buy tank cleaner that is antiseptic and antibacteria. NEVER use harsh cleaner like human's normal dish soap, ammonia etc because no matter how much you rinse it , there might be some chemical left and fish are VERY sensitive to these chemicals.

Fishes are easy to die. Be sure your water temperature is not very different than the pet store's water temp (where you brought them).
You'll want to Clorox the tank. Then be sure to run clear water over it to thoroughly rinse.
What you need to do is go to the pet store and get help finding the right thing to clean the tank. Then after you clean it start it up again put water in it all that stuff. Then go to the pet store the next day and get some new fish. Do not put the fish in the tank yet put the plastic bag that the fish comes in in the tank with the fish in it. Leave it their for an hour that way the fish adjust to the water temp. Then open the plastic bag and put the fish in the tank. Then take the plastic bag out of the tank.
contrary to popular belief, fish in the pet shops are not healthy and may carry a disease, you should quarantine new fish everytime you buy some to be sure but I'm sure that people
can't or won't keep a seperate aquarium for a quarantine tank
I would let your tank run for a few weeks empty, then test an
inexpensive fish first to see if any disease remains
We always put a bit of melafix in the tank any time we get a new fish for 3 or 4 days, just to be sure. Just a few splashes, probably a tablespoon in my 30 gallon. Also, if you get live plants, beware of snails! The fish I bought to eat the snails was so hyper it stressed out one of my beautiful full grown angel fish and it died (it was about 8 inches total). I always buy my fish from a pet store and NOT from Walmart-they really have diseases and will spread them easily. Walmart carries the Melafix and it comes in a blue bottle, not very expensive at all.

When I got my tank from my dad, I just washed it out in plain water, but he'd had no deseases, just trouble with his water. However, a guy at Petco recently told me how to soak my very porous rock that had alage inside it in VERY MILD BLEACH to get the algae out. It involved soaking it a whole day or more in regular water w/dechlorinator after the algae was gone in the bleach solution. So, if you think you need to use bleach, use it very very sparingly and rinse well and then rinse well again!
If you can remember what symptoms your fish had before they died, tell a person at the pet store you usually go to and ask for treatment as well as some cleaner made specially to clean tanks with. As for the bio wheel, just ask the pet store clerk they should know everything to help you.
I'm not convinced your fish died of disease (many fish diseases result in symptoms which indicate the ailment.I suspect your fish died of ammonia/nitrite poisoning since ALL your fish died and you were unable to provide which particular disease killed them off).

Rinsing your tank with hot water (which has killed all the good bacteria off in your tank) and running an empty tank (which equates to running an uncycled tank) will likely result in losses of fish again.

Learn about the fish tank cycling process and start again slowly.
You should replace or sterilize your bio wheel, and clean your tank. Personally I'd throw out your gravel. See link for how to do this safely. Generally you shouldn't medicate the tank when you add more fish. As it may cause restistant strains of diease in your tank. What you need is a quarntine tank, or bowl. This is use for new fish or sick fish. Generally I fill the tank with water from my main tank right before adding a new fish to it. Keep the fish in this tank for at least 4 days.

Quarntine tank:
1 tank bowl of at least 2.5 gallons
1 heater for small tanks
1 air pump
1 air stone
they reading about what to do
Do as Sabersquirrel suggests.

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