Thursday, July 30, 2009

An aggressive cichlid is eating the smaller passive cichlids. The small one has no tail. What to do?

Cichlids can be fairly aggressive when it comes to staking out territory. It can help to rearrange the tank on a regular basis. For the time being, buy a live-bearer fry box to protect the injured fish while it heals and regrows his tail(that is, if enough of it is left). Add freshwater salt to the aquarium to help keep the various bites from getting infected.
either get rid of the aggressive one or get ready to only have one fish
You can't mix can *maybe* put 2 different breeds in, but some I wouldn't mix at all. They also have to be of equal size, or the big ones get the smaller ones. If you can't seperate the smaller ones, they will all die. The one with no tail is mostly there. Get a seperation wall at a fish shop %26 ask them. Whoever sold you your ciclids should have warned you about this. This is common behavior, they are very aggressive fish as a whole.
get more hiding places.
Seperate them or get rid of the aggressive one. You can buy a tank divider at most pet stores, or make one yourself out of plexiglass, drill a few holes in it so the water flows through both sides. Or buy a new tank for the aggressive one. And you can mix cichlids, they're not all aggressive. Just need to do research before hand on to make sure just how aggressive one is. And even then, just depends on the individual fish. I've had some very odd combinations, that supposedly wouldn't work.

Get some MelaFix for the tailless one and add a little aquarium salt according to package directions for your tank size.
flush him~~

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