Friday, July 31, 2009

Any tips on how to breed my bettas?

All the websites say that they need live and frozen food, are just pellets ok.Any tips on how to breed them?No websites please i've already read a ton and none of them have really great information.It would be way helpful to talk to an expierienced breeder.AlsoAbout how many babies will be produced and how many of those will live?Can i just put the bettas together right away?Any information would be helpful!
It really helps to conditions your Bettas well before breeding. The male will be too busy tending fry to eat, and the Female needs a lot of energy to produce eggs. Both will need to be very healthy to recouperate from possible injuries when first introduced. They can produce several hundred eggs, but how many survive will vary quite a bit.
Keep them well apart while conditioning and offer them a variety of food several times a day. Clean their tanks often to avoid problems with all the extra food in their containers. Different types of frozen food can be found in the freezer at the pet stores, buy frozen brine shrimp, beef heart, blood worms, and colour enhancing flakes.
Once the bettas are in good condition, and the female is really round with eggs, you can put them in a small tank with no substrate and a divider so they can see each other. Give the male a small unfinnished clay flower pot (put in only enough water for part of it to stick out of the water) so he can build his bubble nest inside or outside of it so it will be supported. When the female develops dark stripes stripes along her body it should be safe to remove the divider.
When the breeding is done, remove the female. When the fry start to hatch remove the male.
You can feed the fry a few drops of egg yolk boiled in water and put through the blender, or a few drops of insofuria a day until they are large enough to eat baby brine shrimp and finely ground flakes.
Prepare insofuria by filling a glass jar with pond water and shredded pond plants. They are microscopic organisms that will reproduce in the jar if you leave it in sunlight (but don't let it get too warm).
Betta females will have a white dot on there butt area when they are ready to lay eggs.
Male bettas will blow bubbles surrounded in saliva to keep them from popping. They will put these at the top of there bowl. It is called a bubble nest.

As the female lays eggs the male will collect the eggs and put them into one of the bubbles.

Baby betta are to small for any size food you will find. They eat micros. The suggested way to get them fed is have a 5 gallon bucket of water outside in the summer time and let the algea and such grow in it. You can then put your baby betta in there and they will survive until they are big enough to eat standard food.

Betta can have up to 800 babies at a time.
yah i just know put a male and a female in a pot and wait, but 800 babies, i mean wow, good luck, u may want a 20 to 30 gallon fish tank for that!
Ok Bettas are a great fish. I have had them before and found out first dont put 2 males together. If you are trying to bread i would use live brine shrimp or blood worms. I never used pellets. I also found out that its best to have a split tank ( divider in middle). They will court that way. The male will build the nest at the top of the water. When the female is pregnant you can removed the divider and put them together. He will squeeze the eggs from her and put the eggs in the nest. I noticed she lays some where close to about 50-75 eggs. I think about 30% lived. You can keep all the babies together until the start fighting. The ones that fight will be the males then you have to seperate them. You are going to need alot of small bowls. Good luck with them..
Do not breed bettas found at a pet shop. The best thing to do is go to or some reputable breeder and get a BROTHER AND SISTER. Inbreeding is RECOMMENDED for bettas so they keep their finnage and you don't end up with crummy lines like they have a pet shops.

You'll need some floating plants/cover so the male betta can start blowing bubbles for his nest. Once that occurs, make sure the female is acclimated properly and there are no aggression problems. Then, place the female with him and they will mate. The male will guard the eggs carefully, so it is imperative that you remove the female or else they will become very hostile towards each other.

I suggest you do not breed unless you are ready to deal with 100+ fry and know how to get rid of them, how to raise them, what to feed, etc.

As for your question on food, I doubt pellets are fine. They should be fed variety, just like every other fish. You can get freeze-dried food which is easier than live and frozen but you have to soak it thoroughly in tank water(it should sink), otherwise it will expand in your betta's stomach and could possibly kill him.
Bettas --- Don't leave the female in the tank with the male. He will kill or damage her extensively. The only time a male tolerates a female is when she has been thoroughly conditioned and has eggs for him to fertilize.

You must keep her away from him and feed her high protein food (45-50% protein betta flakes and frozen adult brine shrimp and tubifex worms) for about 2-3 weeks so she will produce eggs. You will see when she is ready, she will get quite fat. Then float her in a jar in his tank so he can see her. He will build a nest. When he has the nest completed, slowly release her so as not to damage the nest.

Now you need to watch them very closely for the next hour or so to see if they are compatible. Sometimes, no matter what you do, the male just doesn't get it. If that is the case, get another male. If it works out between them, he will wrap his body around her and as the eggs are expelled he will fertilize the eggs and place them in the nest. When she has no more to give him, you must remove her or he will kill her.

The males tend the nest and the young until they are free swimming. After that, he may eat them, so remove him and start feeding them very fine flake food and frozen or live baby brine shrimp (BBS). A young female will generally produce about 30-50 eggs. Many of the fry will die without good food so try to get the best you can. Reread the websites for fry food reccomendations and follow them.

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