Friday, July 31, 2009

aquarium filtration?

what would be the best kinda filtration for a 125 gallon tank with 3-4 oscars and feeder fish with live plants
You need 2 power filters, and probably another Oscar, too. Three will fight with each other and live miserable lives, five would form a "social unit" and function better.
A combination of power filters and a canister.

Maybe something like 2 aquaclear 500/110 and an Eheim canister.
Having Oscars-go w/a back tank power filter-2 of them in a large tank as yours.
u better put a flush and a flush tank in them(which r used in toilets)
You'll want something that puts out a minimum 1250 gph, but with oscars in the tank, more than that. I'd check into a cannister filter and a large hob(hang on the back) filter, maybe even 2 hobs for each side w/ the cannister-oscars are really messy.
I have an aquaclear 500, a fluval 404 and an Emperor 400 on mine. I had two Oscars, two green Severum and a few other fish and never had any problems. The Oscars were about ning inches and the Severum were about six. All are easy to maintain. I might change to two aquaclear just to make it easier when buying new filter media. Only one brand to keep track of instead of two.
I use 3 Canister Filters in my 125 gallon tank. 2 that pump water through there regular output sleeves and then one I made a spray bar for our of clear tubing with holes drilled in it so it curculates the water better. I have never had a problem with this set up.
The morefiltration you have for oscars the better, they are mesy critters.

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