Monday, May 24, 2010

betta compatibility question?

are betta compatible with suckermouths ( algae eaters ) ?
If your betta is male, you should prolly give him his own just works best that way. While he won't necessarily attack the other fish..they don't like him and don't live comfortably as long as he is in the tank.

If your betta is female, then you can pretty much mix and match as you like, as they tend to get along fine with everyone else in the tank.
Yes, they will most likely ignore them (unless you have a super aggressive betta). But depending on the algae eater they might not be good with the betta. Plecos get very large and are really messy and poopy. The only algae eater I would house with a betta are otto catfish. They are small, cute, and keep to themselves plus they are great for cleaning algae. They should be in schools and they need very clean and well aerated water. And once they clear up the algae you will need to feed them algae wafers so they don't starve.
Yes they are.
Oh yes,unless the algae eater does something to tick him off, like suck on his side,which chinese algae eaters tend to do
Yes. I have a betta that is living peacefully with a cory cat (a bottom feeder), although the betta, which I call "Aslan," does sometimes nip at the cory cat. But there is never any extended fighting, and they coexist rather uneventfully. Just be sure to choose tropical tank mates that are not colorful and have no long, flowing fins, and you should be fine.
Yes. There are very few fish that a Betta is compatible with because other fish will nip your Betta's fins. I have 2 glass catfish and 3 zebra danios with mine. Check with a knowledgeable pet shop worker/owner before adding fish, but an algae eater is fine.
they sure are. I have a Pleco and a betta in my 55g tank, along with many other small community fish and they get along fabulously! Just don't get other community fish that have long fins, as the betta might nip atthe long fins, mistaking them for another betta. Good luck!

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