Monday, May 24, 2010

beta fish gone lazy?

why has my beta fish gotten so lazy---it just lays at the bottom of the tank
I would assume that long periods of poor water quality/over feeding has finally caught up with him. Increase the water changes to every five days, add a bit of salt for freshwater aquariums, and feed him the inside of a pea once a week.
i dont think it likes u
Maybe it has just realized it has seen everthing there is to see and has gotten a bit depressed.
Fish don't just 'get lazy'. Are you sure it's not sick? Try looking for other changes in its behavior or appearance, and search on the Internet for the symptoms of fish diseases. If it is sick, you want to catch the problem as soon as you can.

EDIT: Tammy G, as of just recently, there's a lot more a fish can see of the world, provided you're willing to buy a car for it:
i had one that was the opposite and one morning i awoke to find his corpse on the floor. he had jumped to his death.

you should be thankful you don't have a suicidal fish.
Fish are not very active. Especially not betas. I have one in my office and "Friendly" does the same thing. How would you like to run into the side of a fish bowl?? Not very appealing. Do you feed him??
Change it's water and put decorative items in the little tank for it.
Because it's a fish.thats what fish do!
It's probably sick. Try to look for any other symptoms and look them up online. There are websites that can help you out.
Everyone needs a rest now and again. This is not unusual. Can you imagine how tiring it must be for that little fish to swim around all day dragging those big, hugh, heavy fins?
its not that is lazy its just they(betas)love to lay on the bottom of their tanks because they are adapted to small tanks,and they are all lazy,so don't worry!your fishy is fine and you a great fish owner!
This is generally a bad sign. It could be depression, or poor health. Bettas in nature live in large pond, rice paddies, and slow moving streams. They will hang out and rest on occasion, but they are often quite active. My males are swimming around at least 30-50% of the time, and my females in my main tank are active 95% of the time. (Of course all of my betta are in ~80 degree water.)

Are you changing the water regularly? A betta's water should be completely changed and the gravel rinsed out every 4 days for less than 2.5 gallon bowl, and weekly for larger. (A filtered tank only requires you change 10-20% of the water while vacuuming the gravel.)

Are you over feeding? A betta should only be fed once a day a very small amount. (about the size of his eye ball) You can look at the pictures on the feeding link for how your betta's belly should look. Also most betta owners only feed 6 days a week.

What are you feeding him. A betta flake/pellet should be meaty with worm/shrimp/fish as it's primary ingredient. Freeze dried blood worms, and brine shrimp are, but should be the only thing you feed them.

See link for more details on betta care, and read the diseases link and re-examine your betta.

If after all this your betta is still lying about consider some form of mental stimulation. Give him 1/2 of mirror time x2 a week. Move him to a more heavily trafficed area.

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