Monday, May 24, 2010

Beta Fish?

my fish is a male but his stomach is swollen like he's pregnant(i dont mean to sound stupid) but is he going to blow up?
It sound like dropsy or over feeding. See links
Make sure you're not overfeeding him.
You may be over feeding.
How much do you feed him? They can eat themselves to death, and in a way, blow up. I feed mine little pellet things, 4 in the morning, and 4 at night.
how do you know that he is male? well if you know for sure that he is in fact a male beta fish (their are usually lots of bubbles that they blow for eggs at the top of the tank) %26%26 if you REALLY care about him, take him to the vet.. If not, ask the people at Wal Mart or the pet store.. ASAP.. otherwise he will prbly blow up (mine actually did last month)
He may have eaten too much or he is sick. He won't blow up but if he looks sickly he could die. Look up Beta fish and their illnesses on the web. You may be able to find a picture describing you problem.
It won't blow up, but might die. Are you sure it's a male? It sounds like a 'spawnbound' female, which means it hasn't managed to get rid of its eggs. It will then either reabsorb the eggs into its body, or die.
May be it ate to much and are you 100% sure it is a boy.
no, they all look like that!!

are you sure it's male?
how long have you had him?
fish will just eat and eat and eat given the chance. it's probably you've been over feeding him and he'd bloated.
Don't feed him for a few days - this will not do any harm whatsoever, fish in the wild can live for a week without food, sometimes longer.

Oh and by the way, it'd have been a little helpful if you had mentioned what kind of fish it was :)
This could possibly be a fugus infection. I know that there is a type of fungus that your fish can get that can make your bettas stomach swell. It is fatal, but it is also treatable if you hurry! You can get these dissovable tablets for fungi. You can get them at thw pet store or walmart. Read the directions on the back to know how many tablets to put in your bettas water.

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