Monday, May 24, 2010

besides flake food what other food source is good for bala sharks?

Fish food alternatives include brine shrimp, live or frozen worms, pellets, mosquito fry, feeder fish, algae wafers, and some bits of lettuce or any other vegetable.
Hi, I have four Bala (Silver) Sharks and ever other day I put about an inch size slice of cucumber into the tank (held down with a weight) when they were small enough they'd swim through the centre after they'd suck all the seeds out and latch onto the inside flesh like a bristle nose catfish (who also likes it) and the whole thing would be gone by morning. Make sure you wash it first before putting it into the tank. It's a cheap and natural food for your bala shark. They also love to sip frozen and live blood worms through a floating feeder ring, they are such piggies and once frozen block doesn't last long. My biggest Bala shark is now about 15cm long and quite a heavy catch. Have a try with the cucumber and see how big they grow :) Good luck
Veggie stuff. I have had great success keeping Bala Sharks in my tank. I recommend that you often put in a leaf of lettuce finely chopped. Another thing that you could do is have a rock or stone with lots of algae put into the tank. This can be done by putting the stone in a jar of water and left in the sun for a fews days.
Live tubifex worms (if thoroughly cleaned) can be used too.
He is an omnivore so a mix of meaty, and veggie food is best. I'd go with freeze dried blood worms, and spirulina flakes. Honesty they'll eat pretty much anything. Just be sure not to over feed.
my balas absolutely love frozen blood worms. all your fish should love them. it helps them develop a good diet too. depending on how fast they eat them varies how many cubes to use. but frozen blood worms and brine shrimp are great for them. youo should try it

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