Saturday, May 22, 2010

Are there more insects or fish in the world?My friend and i got into an argument today about it.?

considering 70% of the earth is water-i will have to say fish
wow thats sad.if your discussion came down to that.
insects. Fish can get 'lice' but insects can not get a fish infestation.
thats a really good question unfortunately i do not know anyone with enough time too count them
I bet there are way more bugs than fish. Fish can only live in the water but insects can live on land, under ground, in water, in trees and in the sky.
you seriously argued about this? try politics - more productive.
Fish we have not even explored but 1/3 of the oceans and sea.
There are TONS more insects. Insects are the most populous group in both terms of biomass and species number. There is such amazing diversity among these animals, it's incredible.
I'm sorry but it is insects. Think about it. In the ocean their are maybe two billion fish. In texas their are over six billion mosquitoes.
Insects outnumber all other animals, with about 800,000 species described so far. They are arthropods and are found almost everywhere. They are the most highly developed of the invertebrates (animals without a backbone). Some have a highly developed social structure. Most grow by metamorphosis, passing through at least two distinct stages. Insect bodies consist of three parts: the thorax, abdomen, and head. They have two antennae and mandibles, or jaws, on the head. Insects have three pairs of legs and an external skeleton (exoskeleton).
Definitely insects. Go to the National Geographic site and look each up and you will find that insects far exceed anything else and they have been around far longer. An example is cockroaches. They go back eons.
deffinately more insects.tell her to look in the water and see how many different insects she can find as opposed to fish.
Definitely Insects!

I have read that all the insects outweigh all the mammals on the earth put together.
insects period!

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