Monday, May 24, 2010

Best fish and decor for a 10gallon?

I have decided to put my 3 goldies into a 30 gallon now, and so I'll have my 10 gallon spare, what should type of fish and decor should I put in it?
I recently set up a 10 gallon tank for a local rec center. I put 6 rasbora het (or harlequin rasbora) and a dwarf gourami in it. I use sand from my cichlid set ups as a subsrate, fake plants, a resin castle, some stones and Java moss in the tank. It has been set up for over a month now and the people there say they get a lot of compliments on the tank.
black mollies or zebra danios
Well, the rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon of water, so if you were to get mollies you could probably get about eight ('cause I've seen some big- mollies), but beware, they breed! Other than that, it just depends on your price range. My personal favorite is the Plecostamus (many pet stores label them Pleco's for short) because they seem to actually have a personality. They are a bottom feeder that hangs out on the side a lot and looks a bit like a manta ray without the wings. Or maybe a catfish. Now, the theory with these guys is that they will grow as big as they're tank allows, and I have seen one that a guy brought in that he was keeping in his pond and it had grown to about a foot and a half, but I've never had that problem. Still, you should only get one or two. They're neat little fishies and very low maintenence.
Clown loachs or Angel fish
black mollies, guppies etc.
little fish they will have plenty of room the move around.

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