Saturday, May 22, 2010

Are there freshwater shrimp out there for sale smaller than a Ghost Shrimp??

Just curious, wanted to get shrimp for my 5 gallon,
are there smaller shrimp than Ghost shrimp? I believe the ghosties can get up to 2 inches.
There are two algae eating shrimp that do not get any larger than one inch. One is the Amano shrimp and the other is the cherry shrimp. They are both great in small tanks if you don't have any agressive fish. The cherry shrimp will breed like crazy if you start with about 5-6 of them.

I have about 200 of them in a planted 10 gallon.
laugh so hard when I read your ? then I realize you were serious. sorry can't help and I am just wasting your time by trying to think of something funny. good luck with your answer - just go to the market and find out.
I got a ghost shrimp at wal-mart for 26 cents and there are crabs at petco that are about the same size and would get along with them and my ghost shrimp got up to 1 inch .
There are only two reasonably small varieties of shrimp. One is the ghost shrimp, which you mentioned. They get to be about 5 cm (close to 2 inches) long, and have a very short life span (a year at the most).

The other is called a Bumblebee shrimp. This grows slowly, and only gets to be about 1 inch long at the most in adulthood. They can't be found at common pet stores (petsmart, petco), but can usually be found at aquarium stores. They are cute little guys and are pretty colorful.

Good luck!
they have brine shrimps and they are smaller than most shrimp!

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