Monday, May 24, 2010

Beta fish swimming at an angle?

My fish seems to be swimming/hanging out strangly. He's leaning against things in the tank at kind of an angle, and though he moves when the tank is poked, he goes back to the weird angle, at the very surface of the water.
The water is about 80 degrees and I just changed it a little bit ago. Does it need to be changed again? Does it need new dechrolinator? Is he sick? And what do you do with a sick fish?
Your betta may have swim bladder disease which is often caused by overfeeding.

Please visit this website

It's an excellent resource for betta health and care. Scroll down the page and read all about swim bladder and other ailments that are common in bettas.

And don't listen to those who tell you your betta is on his last fins. This disease does not have to be fatal.

Good Luck!

he needs CPR
Your fishy is likely in his final hour.
did you change more than 20% of the water?
how old is the fish?
what type of fish?
has the fish any spots?

you have not given enough information for any help

some fish swim at an angle all the time and life for years
Go to vet!

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