Monday, May 24, 2010

Betta Diseases, & How To Cure Them?

Does anyone know a good cure for Bettas who have red ulcers, ich, or pop-eye?? I have been using this product from PetsMart, and it is worthless, its called, Splendid Betta: BettaFix Remedy. It is suppose to clear up everything I listed about, but I have lost one male, and three females in five days. And having four males, and two females left, I would like to keep them around a lot longer. And my oldest male betta is about 2 1/2 now and just in case he gets sick, i want to have the treatment ready. Anyone have any ideas??
Melafix and aquarium salt will work well to heal the ulcers, clean water and raising the temperature to 80 degrees (as well as the salt) will help with the ich, and read the source article for information on pop-eye.

Good luck!
ich and ulcers can be fixed up real easy by adding some aquarium salt and by using melafix. water changes can help prevent them, you can also add some stress coat. in most cases pop eye is just a bacterial infection that eventually will go away with better water and maybe some sort of antibiotics. but for the most part all of these ailments are due to water quality or the addition of other fish that may have brought the sickness. i would use RO water to do water changes until you see improvement in your fishes health. good luck.
Melafix or FungusClear. FungusClear cures pop eye, ich, ulcers, fungus, dropsy, fin rot, and just about everything else.
Virbac Animal Health has a line of products called Mardel. I'd recommend Maracyn-2 for anything from Popeye to Septicemia, and Maracide Concentrate for the Ich (along with Evaporated Sea Salt and warmer water).

All About Ich

Virbac Animal Health (click on the Mardel logo and look up those products)

Good luck!
Bettafix contains melacu which is great for fin rot, and other minor aliments. Red ulcers could be bacteria, or even TB. Ich needs a spefic treatment, and just adding 1 teaspoon of salt per 2.5 gallons will keep it at bay. Pop-eye is generally bacteria.

Honestly I recommend trisulfa if you want something that's a cure all, but it's not going to cure ich, velvet, some fungus, or TB. (Nothing cures TB.) Also over use may render it useless. I tend to use melafix, primafix, an anti-ich med, and salt in my quantine tank. And reserve the big guns for later.

Read betta talk. Faith's not a biologist so she's not the trisulfa fan I am, but her advice is good.
BettaFix is a mild natural antibiotic made from tea tree oil (which is why it smells so loverly) so it's a pretty nice preventative and fin-fixer, but it's not strong enough for a lot of things and it won't treat the parasites that cause ich. Melafix is made from the same stuff but it's stronger so it might be some help in treating the pop-eye and ulcers. If things are as bad as you say, though, they'll probably need something stronger. Ampicillin is great for pop-eye, but it's hard to find. What you need is a good antibiotic.

Ich is caused by a parasite so none of the anti-bacterial medicines are gonna work for that. Keep their water very clean and use aquarium salt and Aquarisol. Petsmart (or any pet store, really) also carries a standard ich medication. I've never had to use it, but you should probably try.

The most important thing with all of these diseases is to keep your tanks clean. Use aquarium salt with every cleaning because that will prevent a lot of disease from infecting your betta's water. Also be sure anytime you use a medication to use it for the full recommended course of treatment, not just until the betta starts looking better. If your girls are in a group tank you'd better seperate them until everybody's got a clean bill of health. Same goes if you're using a divided tank for the guys.

Best of luck treating your fish. It sounds like you've got a lovely little community and I'm sorry you've already lost so many. Treat them, be extra vigilant keeping them clean, and don't give up on them!

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