Monday, May 24, 2010

beloved fish's deaths, HELP?

HELP! i've had a month of happy fish and then they suddenly are dying! Their tank is really clean but i haven't actually cleaned it before (algea eater) and the filter doesn't make a lot of bubbles or anything, but it is on. Is there something I need to change?
The water would be a good idea
Make sure your not cleaning the tank with any chemicals, that can be harmful and maybe kill your fish. Did you change their food? and the filter, maybe it's not putting enough oxygen into the water..
I have found once one fish dies the rest to gradually start to go, really they need to be cleaned out strait away but then again im not oo sure because ive done that and they still die. But wahtever you do i hope you get some good awnsers and find a way before its too late!!
You may also want to see if they have ick - if the water looks a little foamy then they may have it. Go to the store where you bought your fish and talk with someone - you may also want to bring a sample of water with you
Check out this website:

There are many reasons that your fish could be dying. Usually it is poor water quality.

Good luck.
Flush em and buy new ones at wal mart. try getting a snail and fake plants not real ones.
thats kinda what happened to my of them got sick and died and than they all got sick and died.but i talked to the pet store people and they said some kinds of fish die easier than others..some get sick real easy.apparently my kinda fish was the die easy kind.that or you could have fed them too much.if you give them too much food they will keep eating untill they die
You are not suited to Fishkeeping try another hobby that does not involve keeping things alive.
What size is your tank and what kind/how many fish are in it?

LMAO Brainiac is a moron lol! Ich is not foamy water, ich is a parasite that makes the fish look like it was sprinkled with salt.

Could be overstocked, causing an ammonia spike. Also, need to do weekly water changes about 20%, and at least every 3-4 weeks clean out the filter. Don't have to change it that often, but when you do the water change, keep a bucket of the tank water and rinse the filter in it/scrub it with your hand in the bucket. If you've never cleaned it, it's probably all gunked up and not working/not filtering out the water, leading to poor water conditions that the fish can't handle/survive in, or causing a disease.

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