Saturday, May 22, 2010

As the popular saying suggests, exactly how many fish can you get into a kettle.?

. and should you boil the water before or after putting them in?
Please tell me that you all know it's not a kettle used to boil water but a special pan with a lid for cooking fish!
You might find it difficult to get the fish out of your Russell Hobbs in one piece!
I've found that seven is about max .
Haha! Nice question - thanks for making me laugh. Of course, it depends on the type of fish you've got, and how big the kettle is. If you're gonna cram 'em in there (if they're not alive) then maybe 15 goldfish in a standard-size electric kettle?
7 1/2
boil before.
don't actually think it means a kettle as we know it but a bucket of some sort.
If you desire a precise answer, perhaps you could try calcuating it using DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS.
depends on the size of the fish and the kettle also a watch kettle never boils so the fish will be alive
I am assuming this is a figure of speech and kettle means tank. Rule of thumb to follow for freshwater fish is 1" of adult size fish to 1 gallon of water. For example, if you have tiger barbs their adult size is approximately 2" therefore in a 10 gallon tank you can have 5. In saltwater the rule of thumb is 4-5" adult size per gallon. There is no need to boil your water. There are plenty of additives that are fine to add to your water to take out the chlorine in your water. For freshwater, let the tank "cycle" (only water, filters, heater and airpump) for 24 hours. Then add fish slowly over a period of time. You don't want to add too quickly because of bacteria overload(this means too much fish waste and not enough bacteria to consume it can cause high doses of ammonia in tank which can kill your fish). If your tank is cloudy after you add your fish this is fine. This is referred to bacteria bloom. This is the stage where your bacteria is growing to consume the fish waste. Don't treat the tank for will go away on its own.
Size of kettle or fish doesnt matter, but you MUST boil the water first. THen you'll find the answer is always 42. Flawless! (Please dont flush them away afterwards - they will die. Give each a match box and proper burriel)

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