My daughter just got a beta fish. I know nothing about them. Can someone give me ideas on how take care of him? Like, how often to feed them and when to change their tank.
Okay, I have had two bettas before. If the fish is a fairly common color like blue, it could live up to five years. Mine did, but if it's an uncommon color, like white (I've had one of them too), they won't live as long. All I did was get special betta food at the pet store and fed him the amount it said on the package once a day. We cleaned his tank about once a month (oh, by the way, for one betta, you won't need but a 1-gallon tank, he'll be completely happy). When you clean his tank, you should take him out and put him in a little bowl of water, then wash and rinse the tank really well and dump him right in! I hope you have good luck with these beautiful fish! :)
Feed them once a day, and clean the tank when it gets dirty. Not too often. Make sure you get a filter, and a plant.
feed once a day, and change water weekly. If it is a male DO NOT put another male with it, if you decide to get another ne. They will fight to the death.
Is the betta in a little bowl that you normally see in a pet store or in a bigger container such as a one or two gallon bowl or tank? Depending on the size of the container will determine how often you will need to change the water. If the betta is in the little bitty bowl that can sit in your hand then make sure you change the water every two to three days.
Make sure that you treat the water before replacing the fish and make sure that before you do replace the fish in the bowl you allow it some time in a baggy with a little of old bowl water and the fish in it to sit down in the bowl so that the fish will become accustome to the new waters tempt if not you might end up with a dead fish.
I know that with my betta as well as my other fish when I am doing a water change which is usually a 20% water change about once a week, I use bottled spring water. This water you do not have to treat and will not harm your fish. I know my water even though I may set some water up in some milk gallons and treat it that it has so much sediment in it that my tanks continue to have a cloudy look to them. But, as long as I use the bottled spring water I do not have this problem.
Also when you go to change the water and you use tap water make sure that you treat the water with a dechlorinator. I know that I use a product called "Start Right" and it works great! Also just feed the betta once a day. And from time to time feed it some blood worms which are mosquito larve-its basically a treat for them. But, if you choose not to that is okay-they will be okay with out them. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me.
Feed them in the mornings only. I suggest the little floating pellets, like the Beta gold brand, it worked the best for me.I had three of them, but never put them in tanks together! If you put the same sex together they will kill eachother, and if you want to put a male and female together, put them in separate tanks next to eachother so they can look at eachother for at least 48 hours, then submerse them, but watch them closely. Also, wtach out for white goop on their fins (that is a disease called "ick") If you see this, get "ick away" and put two drops in their water every day . Good luck!
beats are quite common fishes.
any ways:
betas are very agressive fishes. put two betas together and they will fight to the death, not just male betas. while trying to mate two betas, the male might also kill the female!!
some people put mirror in front of their betas and it will charge and flash in brilliant color. though this is fun, betas get very tired because of this so please try to remove the mirror after.
when you see bubbles on the water surface, don't be alarmed. betas really blow bubbles. its a sign that they are happy and healthy
also betas jump! so put a cover on the tank or fish bowl
betas do not require oxygen as it can breathe atmospheric air
betas love warm water, but be careful with the heater. you wouldn't wanna turn him into soup!
betas can survive on pellets and flakes, but be warned that once you try to feed it with baby brine shrimps or blood worms. it will never want to eat that junk of a pellet anymore.
yuo can also grow plants on his tank but be careful to check if it is a poisous plant! your beta would chew on the plant and it provides him more oxygen! but if the plant gets too big and out of hand. remove it..
The main thing to know about bettas is not to put more then one together! They dont get along and will fight. They DO get along woth other fish though. I keep all my bettas in 5 gallon tanks. I dont like putting them in athything smaller because it is mean to do. Plus ypu have to clean the tank more. You can feed them pellets, flakes, freeze dried blood worms, and live foods. Here is a website for more info: and the other website: good luck
I had 9 bettas (4 males and 5 females) living happily separately. They are very beautiful, cool and hardy little fish that can survive without food for at least a week. Just feed them once a little per day (feeding to much will cause problem as their stomach is small and poor digestion) with Bettas pellets or flakes. Live small insect like ant, spider, fly etc may consider. Frozen bloodworm is also good but not anything oily including the bread that we eat cos that contains vegetable oil and butter which will cloud and block the water surface, making him difficult to breathe. Water change should be made twice every week, just to make sure that the water is clean. For raw tap water, a little of water conditioner like Stress Coat is advisable to remove any toxic chemical in the water. Medication like Melafix is a well known for healing body wounds like split fins, fins/tail rots, damaged scales etc. Pelafix is for any internal wounds like mouth ucler etc. Bettas (Males or Females may fight to death if lived together) are happy/born to live alone even though they may look lonely sometimes, but they are actually terrirtories fishes and may attack other fishes. In order to make your fish live long and stay happy/healthy, living alone is the best.
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