Monday, May 24, 2010

best saltwater fish?

Neon Blue Goby
Purple Firefish
Catalina Goby
Ocellaris Clownfish
Royal Gramma Basslet
All great fish that can be put together in a tank of 30 gallons.
for some reason clown fish really clean, it looks like your watching them through an High Definition Television. Seahorses look cool, but usually stay in one place.
White Pom fret
I think Whale is the best saltwater fish as the whale is not in fish types,but in a mammal types.A blue whale is the largest animal in the world.It can give bitrh to its young and not lays eggs..
Port Jakson Shark, they're hard to look after, but they're cool as.
The mandarin goby is the best! It looks like someone spilled a can of psychedelic paint on it. The green variety is the prettiest. They are a bottom dweller that scoots around the live rock looking for little creatures to eat.

The only problem is that it will starve to death unless you have at least 100 pounds of live rock in the tank for it to feed on. It does not recognize as food, anything other than the little creatures that live in the live rock. It may live for a month, but without massive amounts of live rock, it will slowly starve to death.
Anything from the Tang species is very cool!
puffers, clown fish, and lion fish are some of the best to watch in your tank
I have 3 tanks and a variety of fish. My top three are: A mated pair of maroon clownfish, manderin goby and a coral beauty.
clowns and tangs~~~
i reccommend you getting clown fish

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