Monday, May 24, 2010

Betta COD?

OK. I have lost another betta. Let's try to figure this out.

2.5g tank. Betta lived only for a few days.

I checked chem levels after I found him in the filter.

Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 0
PH: 6.8
Temp: 77f

Why can't I keep a betta alive?
Other than the temp everything is great for a betta. I'd recommend a temp around 80 ideally, but 75-85 is the quoted range. The only thing I can think is the filter is to strong. I once had a male betta get trapped by the intake when I put him in a large tank. (Male bettas are poor swimmer, and all bettas need access to the surface for air.) Lucky for the betta in question it happened while I was watching.
Did you use something to take the chlorine out of the water? Did you get the bettas from the same store?
Some fish will die no matter what you do. I've had my Betta for over a year and he's doing fine. I'm not doing anything special with him either.
Some bettas just aren't strong. They had to be shipped from the breeder to Petco or whtvr, and he just couldn't take it. Fish don't live long. I'm sorry for you tho. I really luv bettas. Just get another, and he'll proly be better. Good luck :-( sry for betta
here is bettachris's betta site, ranked 51/355 sites!
Let me be honest, Petco has an awful reputation on their Bettas.

I get mine from pet stores that deal in nothing but fish. Truthfully, I think it is where you are buying them and not the problem with your tank. You can always ditch the filter and do weekly water changes, bettas love to surface breath and seem to live longer with out a filter.

Good Luck and Take Care.
I'll go with the filter being the culprit here. Try not using a filter and do the 50% water change per week. I have 9 Betta and not 1 filter. Good Luck!! ?;)~~ By the way a few of mine I picked up from Petsmart and are doing fine!

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