Saturday, May 22, 2010

are undergravel filters good?

there ok but use a power filter also
Yes, they're great for keeping the tank clean. The only down side to them is if you have a lot of plants, because they have to be uprooted regularly to clean the filter.
I don't like them, a lot of the more serious fish hobbyist's don't care for them either. My experiences with them, the poop and food and gunk gets trapped underneath. You don't know till you go to clean it, and you have a big mess. Stick with the hob filters(hang on the back).
Undergravel filters are the best filters for any aquarium. The are the closest to what nature does.

As the air is pumped through the water, it causes the water to circulate through the gravel. This encourages growth of a certain type of bacteria. This bacteria helps to break down the fish droppings into nutrients for aquarium plants. But ofcourse a certain balance needs to be achieved, which you learn only through experience.

You need to keep certain things in mind. 1. The filter should be on always. 2. There should be enough plants. 3 Never overfeed so as to cause excessive decomposed matter

Cleaning, partial changes of water and total cleaning needs to be carried out as usual.
they are great and now they have them that you have a filter on as well try petcetera or big als big als can mail you a catologue of all their products very kool
They are very good! you should get one for your tank if you are getting one.

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