Monday, May 24, 2010

Betta coloring??

I have had a male betta for about two months. When I frist got him he had a nice deep red color. But now his color is not like it once was. Its has change from deep red to a dull red. I feed him a color-enhancing fish food. I change his water once a week. Whats wrong with his coloring or is this noraml?
It could be age or stress. They can get stressed if it is too cold or if they are able to see their reflection because they will think it is another fish. If you think the water is too cold, try just putting a light near the bowl. Make sure it does not get too hot though. You just don't want it to be very cold.
You can buy stuff to put in his water when you change it that will remove chlorine and provide him with a slime coating (which protects his scales). This you can get at any petstore, its a water conditioner. Make sure you get one specified for betta bowls if he is in a bowl, the concentration is different. You could also try giving him some treats once in a while like freeze dried blood worms , they love these, I haven't met a fish yet that didn't. Good luck.
Try colored gravel in the tank, you may see a difference some what.
If there is no stress present---like a mirror or the water is too cold ect. then it may be that he is getting old. Just because you bought him recently is no guarentee of age. Normally he will live a couple of years. Make sure he is getting "tropical" and not "Goldfish food".
Good Luck
Bettas are carnivores and don't do well on regular fish flakes. They need special betta food or freeze dried blood worms. If you are feeding fish flakes, he's not getting proper nutrition. Also, if he is in a small bowl with no filtration, you need to change the water everyother day.
They need at least a gallon of water, and a heater set to 80 degrees to be happiest.
This here is my favorite site:
They have lots of information.
Good Luck
Generally a betta's color shouldn't fade. It might change or deepen, but not fade. Are you sure you aren't over feeding him? What sort of food are you feeding him? Betta are carnivores and their food should be primarily worm/shrimp/fish based. If the 1st ingredient isn't meaty I'd find a new food for him. I find my bettas look best when fed a varied diet. Mine get freeze dried brine shrimp, blood worms, and flakes. (Of course I have a lot of fish so I've got a wide selection of food around.)
was probably the old frish food u were giving him that discolered him:)

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