Monday, May 24, 2010

beta fish.. will they eat any other type of fish?

I have been told that they will eat other beat fish.. but are they ok with any other type of fish? Or will they eat them too? Are they suppose to be alone to keep them from harming each other??
No they will not eat fish. Bettas are insectivores - they eat bugs off the top of the water. They will eat prepared fish food in a tank, or will graze on algae.

They can be be safely and easily kept in a community aquarium with other peaceful fish. They cannot be kept with aggressive tankmates. I recommend tetras, mollys, platys and guppies.

Male bettas must not be kept in a tank with other male bettas. That is the only restriction.
Bettas (pronounced bet-tah, not bay-tah) are one of the least agressive fish that are kept in home aquariums until they meet another male betta, then they will fight each other to the death if one cannot escape the other.

Bettas are usually the ones who get picked on by other more agressive fish like barbs, some tetras, gouramis and cichlids.

They are slow and fast moving fish stress them out. Neons are good companions for bettas as are white clouds, bettas are shy and like to be alone.
The beta fish at least the males that i hve had will be agressive to fish that have large fins like fantailed guppies. I have only had male betas so Im not sure on the females. As long as beta is introduced into the tank after the other fish have been in it there should be less aggretion
Just to expand a bit on 8 in the corner's answers, and to correct a few things.

Yes, bettas can be compatible with other aquarium fish. Just make sure the other fish are not finnippers and such.

But not all bettas are shy. You shouldn't categorize them all as either aggressive or shy. It's a hit or miss with bettas as community fish. Some are mellow, and some are hyper hostile. You just have to make sure you have another place to put the fish in case a match doesn't make it.
A male betta will kill another male betta; I don't know about eating it. It can be compatible with other fishes as long as they are not slow-moving and don't have long, flowing fins or tail. I have had them with goldfish and zebra fish and other fishes. Once I put one with a goldfish that had bigger fins, and I noticed that the betta was biting the fins, so I separated them. It didn't really seem to be trying to kill it, though.
When I was little I use to hold a mirror up to the betta in my moms 55 gal tank. And one day I accidentally left it there, and it ate the neons that my mom had. I was in deep trouble for that one. Usually the answer is no they don't eat other fish. Just don't put them in a tank with a mirror, or a another male betta. They are really docile!
Actually, bettas get along with most types of fish since they can live in a variety of water conditions. They can even live with each other if your tank is more then 30 gallons (they each maintain their own territory, but it helps to have a background so they can see it better)
See this compatibility chart

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