Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A type of fish that lives inside a pair of shells?

Marine cardinal fish, Astrapogon (or Apogonichthys) stellatus of the Caribbean, take shelter in the shells of living conchs.
there is a group of small african cichlids, that are classed under shellies, where they breed in the shells

2 pts - score!!
The small cichlids of Lake Tanganyika in Africa take refuge and do their breeding in the large (1-2") empty snail shells of the lake.

The best known is the neolamprologus multifaciatus. I have a colony of about 35 in one of my tanks right now. Most are babies, there are 5-6 females at any one time with babies. Since they are small, they only produce around 6-10 fry at a time.

The males only go into the shells to spawn with the females, the rest of the time, they are cruising their territory and chasing away other males.

A couple other kinds of shell dwellers are neolamprologus brevis, N. ocellatus and N. similis. They are all great fish to have and watch. I have some of each, but right now only the multis are spawning. The brevis look like they are mature enough now, but they haven't started any families yet.

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