Thursday, July 30, 2009

Any advice on a nice mix of none agressive fish for my new 10 gallon hextagon tank?

I'm setting up a new tank it will filter out before I add the fish I just want advice on nice mixtures of diffrent fish that get along well , I know it's only a ten gallon??
For a 10 gallon hex, avoid bottom feeders because there is less room for them to move around. Also, don't get fish that grow more than 2 or 3 inches long, because hexagon aquariums are tall rather than long, and they wouldn't have enough space to swim. If you don't have a heater, I'd get 6 or 7 white clouds. If you do have a heater, I'd either get a small school (6 to 8) of a single species of small tropical schooling fish or 3 or 4 dwarf gourami. Small schooling fish include cardinal tetras, lemon tetras, glowlight tetras, red serpae tetras, spotted danios and gold danios. Avoid the larger schooling fish like most barbs and giant danios. Also, avoid neon tetras as they tend to be overbred and very fragile. You could also get one beta. If you want an algae eater, I'd go for a smaller variety like the oto catfish. They won't outgrow your aquarium and they get along well with other fish. Remember, your aquarium won't start its nitrogen cycle until after an ammonia source is introduced. If you don't run a fishless nitrogen cycle using something like biospira, you need to add the fish slowly (2 or 3 a week).
goldfish,guppies,mollies etc. I also agree no bottom feeders such as plecos
for a 10 gallon tank i would try some colorful guppies and different kinds would be nice because there are all sorts of can also mix that in with some neon tetras and some mollies too.that would be a nice mix there.try to get some non and non colorful guppies and that would be nice too.

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