Friday, July 31, 2009

anyone found a good care for HOLE IN THE HEAD for oscars ?

I have one 9 inch oscar in a 55 gallon. He has some signs of HITH. Anyone know the best cure?
I found a wonderful article on HITH (hexamita) dealing specifically with oscars on Flippers and Fins:

It is apparently often caused by vitamin deficiencies, in addition to poor water quality. The person on this site successfully treated her oscar with a high-quality, vitamin-rich oscar food and metronidazole, and he began showing signs of healing within two weeks. She also added Melafix to help with healing.

If you have any more problems, there's a link to the cichlid forum on that site. There are loads of people willing to help you, even a doctor.

Good luck!
No- I never even know that had a name. I think mine might have that too, only I'm not quite sure what it is. He is developing a large indentation in his forehead. I thought it might be from fighting with his brother, which started when his best friend died. I hope someone on here has an answer.
Metronidazole (by Seachem); or other products that contain metronidazole.
frequent water changes holein the head guard from any pet store and i feed my oscar with hith peas and carrots and other veggies. he seems to be getting better
Metronidazole and a good water change routine. HITH is usually caused by a poor diet. Try a varying diet (both feeders and pellets soaked in Garlic Extract) for your Oscars. The combination of the 3 (and moreover just a good diet - especially as they get older - and just good ol' every week water changes) will do you the best.
Usually the cause of HITH disease is high nitrates in the water/poor water quality. Need to do more water changes. Oscars are very messy fish.
First, not sure of your filtration set up, but I'd have at least 2 filters on the tank-I use a HOB(hang on the back)and a cannister filter on all my 55 gallons. Definitely want a cannister with an Oscar.
2nd, do water changes every week-at least 25-30% until he's better. After that, probably 20% every week or so, just monitor the nitrate levels.
3rd, I used to do this at least once a week, get some liquid vitamins-like childrens Poly-Vi-Sol, or Centrum. Soak some pellets in them for awhile, then feed to the fish.
4th, If you are, don't use live feeder fish to feed him. Not good for them, most use feeder goldfish-which are more likely to harbor diseases (because of how they're kept in the fish store), and their just too messy-decreasing the water quality in the tank.
5th, get some meds that contain metronidazole. Jungle brand Parasite Clear contains it.
It's a long process to clear it up, just be persistent and do the water changes. Good luck!

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