Wednesday, July 29, 2009

a question?

do fish sleep?
Yes and no they rest. Since they do not have eyelids they do not sleep but they do rest. Sharks have eyelids but the need to keep moving to push the water through their mouths to keep breathing.
yea, but they have no eyelids. they just kinda stay in the same spot for awhile.
Hmm. I think so, but with there eyes open.
yes absolutely they move and sleep at the same time they also open their eye's when they sleep.
i think so
Only if they belong to the Mafia.
Yes, they do. They just can't close their eyes. I've even seen them have nightmares (they jump suddenly)
yes they do they live there eyes open and kinda dont really move that much
Most all fish spend time in an energy-saving state that can be called "rest", and we might even call their behavior "sleep", though it is probably different than "sleep" in most land animals.
way down deep in the water!!
yes but as far as i know not long
yes they do

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