Wednesday, July 29, 2009

adding more fish to a tank?

One of my gold fish recently died and the other one just looks lonly i was wondering if it would be safe to add another gold fish to the tank witout it getten eaten or anything bad happening etc etc.

They were just normal gold fish and the tank is around 6 litres.
I'd say, try to match the size of your new fish, close to the same size as the fish you have at home.
Fish tend to think of anything smaller than them as food!

And, you might add a couple aquatic plants. It gives them a place to be less visible, for a few minutes. It can also help get them used to each other.
A small one
Gold fish are friendly by nature, so adding a pal would be just fine.
Six liters is a small tank. Because goldfish tend to be a dirty a tank this size will need to be cleaned at least weekly. Adding another goldfish to the tank would be ok but goldfish live for years and can get quite big. I would recommend that you get a large Tank and try tropical fish. The size of your tank can not readily hold more Than a fish or two without frequent water changes and aeration.
Another should be fine. Goldfish are pretty even tempered. Unless yours is unnaturally aggressive I wouldn't give a second thought to putting another in there and if get one the same size as the one you use to have space shouldn't be an issue. Sorry for your loss.
small fish you don't want to many fish in your tank seeing as its a small one because the ammonia will rise because the amount of fish in a small tank ammonia means the waste of fish that doesn't get cleaned it could potentically kill them
Yes add another fish of similiar size.
Would be fine, but change the water more often and feed less so the next fish survives longer
Add another goldfish of similar size to be safe. Why did the other one die - are you sure the water quality is ok? Check or ask your petshop to check (take a water sample to them) the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels.

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