I just got my first fish tank (55 gallon) and have been looking around at different fish stores, getting an idea of what fish to get. I really like Oscars, because they are so big. I know that they will eat any fish that are smaller than them, but will they eat those fish that eat all the dirt off the sides of the tank? Also, is 55 gallons big enough to keep 2 rather large white oscars in? We will be purchasing the fish next weekend, after letting the water in the tank get to the right balance. Any advice on Oscars, or other BIG freshwater fish I should look into would be appreciated.
I had a tank with Oscars, and I loved them. They're very "owner oriented" and seem to recognize you; mine would cruise the tank but come to watch me if I entered the room or approached the tank. If you get Oscars, get a pleco (suckermouth catfish) that is about the same size. Plecos have a tough spiny armor, and most fish tend to ignore them.
Some other fish I've had that were fascinating: native fish (probably quite illegal- please check your local laws). I had a tank set up with orange-bellied sunfish, bluegills and green-eared sunfish, and they were incredibly interesting to watch. Tough as nails, too- they could survive some pretty tough tank conditions. (Note- wild caught fish, however, usually are loaded with parasites.so beware.)
I've got a large hex tank set up now, with HUGE fantail goldfish. A lot of people think "bleh" when it comes to goldfish, but IMHO they're underrated! I've had some of mine nearly 8 years now, and they're quite enjoyable to watch. If you're patient, you can even teach them some minor tricks (btw Oscars are trainable too).
Now for the downside:
Oscars really are suited only for a single-species tank.not a community tank. (Plecos are the only exception- and make sure the tank has plenty of hiding spots for them.just in case.) And they can be jumpers, so make sure you've got a good tight lid for your tank.
Sunfish etc are more than likely illegal to keep (I really don't know- mine were teeny baitfish that I kept) and are host to flukes, worms etc. They're jumpers, too.
Goldfish are aquatic hogs and will foul up a tank faster than just about anything else underwater. Don't over feed them, and make sure you've got a GOOD filtration system.if you can keep the water healthy, they'll live a long time. I've got some now that are approaching 9 years of age, and I've heard that they can live close to 40 years.
PLEASE don't be in a huge rush to get your fish.rushing things is probably the #1 cause of fish death. It can take a long time for the water cycle to balance out- make sure you've got a good testing kit. In fact, I'd suggest you set up your tank and add a guppy or two (something small) and let the tank run until the test readings stabilize. Once it's stable, go ahead and get your main tank inhabitants.
Speaking of your tank inhabitants: Please take plenty of time to observe them in the store before you buy them. Are they swimming normally? Or are they hiding/listless/holding fins clamped shut? Do they have fuzzy or funky looking growths/patches on their fins, mouths or scales? If your fish are in a tank full of ill or stressed others, I'd suggest going elsewhere to make your purchase.
yes definately they r awesome
Yes, they are great. I love Oscars and have had several in the past. Great fish.
Actually, I have a book here on my bookshelf you may want to buy or borrow from the library. Its called Oscars, and the author is Neal Pronek.
Oh, I don't think they'll eat those sucker fish. There is a fish store near my house and they sell some REALLY BIG sucker fish (I've seen some there the size of a baseball). I'm sure they would be fine in a tank with an Oscar, but you may want to check with the folks at the pet store.
55 gallon tank should be fine for two large Oscars, but make sure the Oscars are about evenly sized. They will bully smaller Oscars (and smaller other fish as well).
I have had a 55 gal fishtank, I kept oscars in it for years.they seem to live for a long time..I actually perfer "Red Devils" over the oscar, but both are my favorites
I don't have any personal experience with oscars, but I hear that they are really fun to have. The only advice I can offer is that oscars can only be kept with other oscars, because if there's any other kind of fish in with them, the oscars will make a snack out of them.
Best of luck!
My brother has a fish tank with oscar and little sucker fish on the side eating the algae or what not. The oscar will not eat the suckers. But , then again , my bro has more than one tank next to each other. So I am not most certain. Just ask the fish store clerk to be acurate. The sucker fish are not cute but they keep the tank clean.
Oscar fish are cute and have cartoon faces. I like them , too.
You don't need as many of them for a fish sandwich as compared to the smaller ones.
yes oscars are good to have they will not bother the algie eaters
Oscars are wonderful fish. They are like having a dog, very attentive and active. The size they grow to depends on the size of the tank. I would not put more than one Oscar in a 55 gallon tank..its barely large enough for one good sized Oscar. I have never seen an Oscar cohabitate with other fish.maybe I just didn't notice because I was busy playing with the Oscar.
Oscars are great fish but you need to start with at least 6 small ones and let them grow up with each other. If you try to just get two and put them together, one will become dominant and the other will suffer mightily. With 6 or more, the agression is spread around and no one fish is picked on all the time.
As they grow up, you will notice a couple that tend to stay together most of the time. These will be compatible fish. Probably a male and a female. A 55 gallon tank is not big enough for a pair of adult oscars, you need at least a 75 and larger would be better.
It will take a couple years for them to grow to adulthood, so you have time to save up for a bigger tank. A 125 would be just about right for them to spawn in. Then you could sell the babies back to the store and make some cash to buy food for them. NOT LIVE FEEDER FISH. Very little nutritional value in feeder fish, plus they sometimes bring in parasites and diseases.
Feed them cichlid pellets or high protein dry dog food pellets. I fed mine dog food for years and they were fine.
Note: Sometimes oscars actually lay on their sides on the bottom of the tank like they are dead. This is normal for oscars and some of the botia (clown loaches), do not worry if yours do it.
I 100% agree with champloo4unme, You should be fine. I hope you dont plan on trying to nicely arrage your tank. They are nutorious for uprooting plants, and rearanging the tank to suit thier style, which isnt the best some days!! lol Definetly make sure you keep up on the water changes, and you have more than enough filtration for 2 oscars. They are very very messy fish. I have 3 in a 125 gallon. My first oscar i kept in a 55 gallon, till i thought he was a little big for it, and purchased my 125 gallon along 2 other grown oscars. Every tank mate (other oscars) i bought when i first got him, he killed. He has broken 2 filters and 3 heaters.
Here is a link about them. hope it helps! http://badmanstropicalfish.com/profiles/.
yes definately
They are good fish, but they might eat the algae eater if it is smaller then there mouth. I think flowerhorns are cute!
Another big freshwater fish is a African Clown knife. My husband has one in the same tank as his oscar they get along fairly well, but the tank is a 125 gal. not sure how the two would get along in a smaller housing. But just to give you a idea of how big a clown knife can get my husband had to get a 5 gal bucket * I decorated it* and cut the end off just so it would have a place to chill out when the light was on, and he sticks out both ends now. I think we are gonna have to upgrade soon!>.%26lt;
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