I have a 29 gal tank I have a good heater and a bio wheel filter and I have a few plants and rocks/caves
I am thinking of getting the followin fish
1-2 Angel Fish
4-5 Gourami mix colors
4-5 Mollies mix colors
1 Bala Shark
1 Loach
1 Alge eater
Anyone see any problem with that combo? any suggestions? how about the quantities of each, will they be generaly ok?
This is an awesome combination for a community tank. However, watch the aggression amoung the angels and gouramis, mine are territoral. And the bala shark might decide to take a growth spurt and be a lot bigger than was planned. Once its bigger than your largest gourami, it will need to be removed and relocated, not because is dangerous to your other fish so much as for the bala's comfort. Otherwise, sounds great. The angels and gouramis look really good in a tank together.
Oh, on the gourami- are any "honey gouramis"?
If so, beware, out of all the gouramis, these guys tend to be more aggressive-- just keep an eye on um' with the angels' pretty fins
They all live together in relative harmony in the sea!
yes, it think they are ok. just remember not to put cichlids. and as long as they are of the same size, its ok. big fishes eat small ones.
I鈥檝e had fish tanks over the years and other then the angel鈥檚 pestering the little frogs (they were legal back then), that was about it. Sounds like you have a nice mix in mind; you can also ask the people at the pet/fish shops what they think. Most fish of the same size seem to get along in a community tank. It鈥檚 important to have 鈥榟iding鈥?places for the littler guys to hide in. Fish tanks are such a relaxing thing to have in you home, I鈥檓 thinking of getting another one set up in our den.
As far as I can tell you are fine on your fish, you should try to stick to one fish per gallon, try the listed link below.
Some Gouramis and angelfish are semi agressive and may possibly attack the mollies. Although it sounds like you have a good mix.
Looks good, but I know the Angels can be agressive. I had a couple that went after everything else in the tank and then wailed on each other.
As for the first respondent-these are freshwater fish.
compatible.YES.in my stomach,yum yum
yeah sure!
But you may require a lot of tall plants, also provide your fish withmany hiding places(rocks, driftwood,etc)
You should keep more than 4 angels as they do well in groups
For checking the best combinations of the fish, link is:
Everything, but the mollies are semi-agressive. I'd avoid the smaller ballon, and black molly, and stick to the larger sailfin, and lyre tailed molly. The gouramis need to e semi-agressive types so no dwarf, or pearl gouramis. The angel fish do best in pairs. They may get aggressive when they get older..
PS- How big is this tank? The angels will get big. As will the bala shark. The algae eater will likely reach 10 inches to a foot if it's a chinese algae eater, or a common pelco. Thee fish will need a 50+ gallon tank in a few years.
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