Friday, May 8, 2009

a few fish questions.?

is aireation really important? i bought a 10 gal starter tank not so long ago. they didn't hav any airstone or anything like that. also i've recently set up the tank but i couldn't work the filter and left it for a day.the next day it has little bubbles almost i got the filter working should i worry? and wat were the little bubbles?bacteria?
Bubbles beautify your aquarium display, improve water quality, and make your aquarium more hospitable for inhabitants. They are always a good idea but notabsolutely necessary. Starting anew tank is more then just filling it up. Here is an excellent article which you should look through before buying your first fish. (although your local pet store will test your water for you if you bring in a sample).
the little bubles were probably bubbles from the water. If you put water in a glass eventually all the air in the water turns to small bubbles on the glass. I woudn't worry about bacteria if you have your filter systom up and running now.
Yes aireation is important, no air in the water equals no fish. If you fish start to go up on their side and not be able to move, swirl the water for a bit to get some air in there because your fish are not able to breathe. If the filter is working, as long as it is putting out a good flow (basically has a watefall) then you are good to go. If not you need to get an air stone, bubble wall, or a pump that just moves the water.

As for the bubbles, that could be from too much chemicals in the water, which those will die down as you add more water, also, it could be the air that was in the water and now is gone up into bubbles.
they are find, bubbles will go away. Normally, new tank has bubbles. You should buy a coupld of cheap fish like rosy reds to cycle the tank so the new fish will get used to it.

Also, when you change water, don't change all, change at most 50% of it. I do 10% every week.

As far as air stone goes, it is optionsl. The filter is fine and works fine even when the bubbles are there..
The bubbles supplies a surface area for gases to exchange.By aerating the water you are doing two things The bubbles provide an exchange of oxygen into the water and they cause water movement. An outside filter will also help keep the surface of the water moving and remove the pollutants out of the water. If the water is not moving a layer of film made up of air pollutants (Dust, ets.) will form on the tank surface. This layer will act as a barrier which will stop the exchange of gases from the air to and from the tank water. The fish waste and uneaten food give off nitrogen and carbon Dioxide . Live Plants, Filtering, aeration and water changes help remove these gases and increase the level of oxygen.
Don`t work it is nothing to worry about
Don't worry about the air stones and such. Those are just for decoration really. Your filter will agitate the surface water enough to aerate it. The bubbles, as stated that's nothing either just the air in the water. You can read these links for doing a fishless cycle on the tank to get your bacteria started.

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